friday favorites :: apologies

Sorry for failing to post yesterday, friends! I woke up with a headache and just feeling MEH. I couldn't even bring myself to get out of bed on time for work (and dress in work clothes... the worst when you aren't feeling well!). I vegged on the couch and drank tea all day before heading out to a show (more on that later). So today's Favorites post will be all about apologies. Some musically related, others not. Enjoy!

1. This apology from Joy & John Paul. So happy they kept working together on some level, though.

2. This stripped down version of "Apologize."

3. Top 10 celebrity apologies.  [click on the names in the article.]

4. Preach.

[via weheartit]
5. This is one way to look at it... negative, but sometimes necessary.

[via weheartit]
And to end... I think if a dude sang me this song, I would have no choice but to forgive him instantly :)
Enjoy your weekend!

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