music monday :: good old war

[photo via google image]

I've been a Good Old War fan for a while. I've seen them play a couple of times, most recently at the 9:30 club. These three guys have such a fun energy about them, from their random dance moves to their song lyrics. More than anything, I just appreciate their skill. It's not an easy task to find a good fit with other musicians. A lot of bands fall apart because of that alone. But every time I see Good Old War, I feel like I'm watching a band of brothers. They have a great acoustic sound but they love to throw things like accordion in there. (I love seeing them bust out the accordion!) Their creativity and passion for music shines through in every set that they play. It even spills over into their name, derived from letters of their last names (Keith GOODwin, Tim ArnOLD, Dan SchWARtz). Pretty awesome, if you ask me.

I'm dying to see them again soon, but for now, here's some of their stuff to hold me (and you) over! You can stream their albums here.


Happy Monday!

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