the talk :: the new year!

image via weheartit

So, it's New Year's Eve. I have a fabulous party planned with my best friend and her husband at their house, with a bunch of our close friends all dressed up and ready for a cocktail! I love a good New Year's Eve party. We usually go out, but this year we decided to avoid the hassle (and the cold!) and do it up right. I can't wait! And into the night we'll all get into our PJ's, stay up way too late, and have breakfast the next morning. Nothing better than ringing in a new year with best friends and a great party.

I hope your 2013 was full of surprises (good and bad), ups, downs, and lots of laughter and love from people. Why the bad and downs? Because those are moments that shape us. You can't have the good without the bad. None of us will never have a perfect life and bad things do happen to good people. But I've learned in my 27 years that it all has to do with perspective. Days will suck. People will pass away. Family will  be hard to deal with. Friends may get lost in the woodwork. Employment may be difficult. Money could be tight. But I believe that every single one of us is already equipped to get through it! Count the blessings instead of letting yourself fall into a pit. Make a list of things that you are happy about in your life. If you can't think of many, try to make a change! And when it comes to those dreaded New Year's resolutions, make your goals attainable, not impossible. Try to stick with what you say you'll do. And remember that "failure" has no place in your vocabulary! If you fall short one day, just accept it and try to do better the next. (Don't worry, I'm taking my own advice!)

Cheers to your 2013, and to a wonderful 2014. Make it count! And thanks so much for continuing to read this little blog :)

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